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Designing for Mobile App Commerce

One of the more lucrative projects for designers these days doesn’t even involve desktop. That’s because, in the last few years, more and more people have switched to mobile use, which also includes time spent shopping. A good rule of thumb as a designer is to go where your users are flocking, and you’ll find plenty of value there.

Designing for retail apps is extremely interesting because it all comes down to conversions. One wrong design decision, and that could well mean a lot of lost revenue for your client. While some of the conventions of good design and UX apply to retail apps, some design choices you’ll have to make to optimize UX may surprise you.
In the end, what matters is only what works and what doesn’t.

When designing your individual product pages on your retail app, be sure to give your shoppers everything they could want in the way of information. Although it’s mobile, they still want to be informed shoppers. You just have to make the most of your small screen real estate when designing individual product pages, so don’t waste space.
Amazon offers a clever example of getting around the limited screen space issue: They’ve simply decided to design long-scrolling pages in the app to let users scroll down to absorb all of the rich information on every, single product page.
Take the product page for the Saucony Original Men’s Shadow Original Sneaker.

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